Office employees enjoying fun activites and games on Friday

12 Best Fun Friday Games & Activies for your employees

We can all agree that working for long periods of time without any variation in tasks or activities can lead to a kind of boredom that can be detrimental to our overall mental health and general well-being. For these reason, it is important to incorporate some type of fun activities during your working hours. In addition to being beneficial for your mental health, these activities are also proven to increase productivity and ease stress on the individual as well as the team as a whole. To ensure a healthy work culture and a relaxed atmosphere, many corporates have implemented some special activities and games on fridays to turn a ordinary friday into a fun friday.

Remote friendly games : With work from home options increasing the remote teams, we have included ideas for fun Friday at Work From Home. With platforms like discord, slack, microsoft teams, google meet and zoom calls, even remote workers can participate in these fun team building games and activities.

The recepie to a Fun Friday

You might often wonder, “What fun activities can be done in an office”, to answer that let’s take a look at 12 fantastic fun office activities that will not only add some joy to your workday but also help in increasing the bonding between employees.


Dumb-Charades or Dumsharas, whatever you call it, is a top rated dramatic fun office game to improve the team bonding.

Players Required : More than 4

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Charades in office?

  1. Make two teams consisting of equal number of players.
  2. Team discusses a movie name which they believe will be hard-to-act (howrah bridge pe latki laash is no longer considered a difficult movie in charades)
  3. This movie is told to one of the player of the opponent team.
  4. This player has to now act, so his team can guess the movie name.
  5. Depending on the expertise of the players, you can keep a time limit on the guessing time.
  6. Team with maximum number of guesses wins the game.


Kahoot is another trivia game that you can play in a group.

Players Required : More than 4

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Kahoot in office?

  1. A host makes the questions and answers for the game.
  2. Host shares the game code with other players through which they join the game after downloading the Kahoot app.
  3. Host shares their screen with the players. The screen has a question, and four options.
  4. Players see the four options on their mobile app, and pick an answer.
  5. The one giving the correct answer quickest scores the maximum point.
  6. You can see the leaderoard in realtime which makes the game more interesting.

Learn more on how to play Kahoot.

Don’t smile

Good jokes and a good laugh, what more do you need?

Players Required : More than 3

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Don’t Smile in office?

This game requires no setup, and can be a (Fri)day long activity. Anyone who is seen smiling, is out of the game. But this won’t make you win the game, so you also need to try your best to eliminate them. Crack some jokes, make them smile, and bam, they are out of the game. Last person standing wins the game.

Murder mystery

Murder mysteries can be good reasoning and strategy game to increase team dynamics.

Players Required : More than 4

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : No

How to play Murder Mystery in office?

  1. Pick up a murder mystery scene and assign the correct name tags, invitations, suspect liles and maps.
  2. Divide the players in small groups with 2-3 players in each.
  3. The first team to find the muderer wins.

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I ever played this game? Worry not, the name is self-explainatory.

Players Required : More than 4

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Never Have I Ever in office?

  1. Sit around in a circle. Each player holds up 10 fingers.
  2. The first player in the circle announces something they have never done, and the players who have done the said, put one of their fingers down.
  3. We now move to the next player in the circle, repeating step 2.
  4. Player holding up the fingers by the end of the game is the winner.


See the consequences of your mistakes with this fun vocabulary game.

Players Required : More than 2

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Hangman in office?

  1. Make a host. The host should be able to spell correctly.
  2. The host choses a secret word/phrase.
  3. Draw a blank for each alphabet present in the word.
  4. Players guess the letters, and if guessed correctly, the host fills all the occurences of the alphabet in the secret word in the blanks.
  5. For every wrong guess, draw one part of hangman.
  6. Players win if they guess the correct word before the hangman drawing is completed.

Pro tip for Hangman (Host) : Words containing “z,” or “j,” and only a few vowels are usually considered to be difficult.

Scavenger Hunt

Dhoondhte rahe jaoge.

Players Required : 6+

Time Limit : 30 mins

Is Remote Friendly? : No

How to play Scavenger Hunt in office?

  1. Make a list of items that the participants must collect, or tasks that they must complete.
  2. Make multiple small teams with 3-5 players in each.
  3. Each team gets a chit with the first task.
  4. Subsequent tasks are unlocked on completing previous tasks.
  5. The team to complete all the tasks first wins the game.

The Rapid Fire Game!

Oh no, you know you aren’t allowed to asked that.

Players Required : More than 2

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play The Rapid Fire Game in office?

  1. Sit in a circle, start with a person.
  2. Each person gets 60 seconds of questions.
  3. Everyone else, one-by-one start asking quiestions to the selected person.
  4. The selected person has 5 seconds to answer, or pass. Point is earned when they answer the question.
  5. In the end, the person with maximum points wins.

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Among Us

We all know, there’s an impostor among us.

Players Required : More than 4

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Among Us in office?

  1. Download Among Us mobile application.
  2. Join in the game where you will be assigned either roles: Crew member or Impostor (visually indistinguishable)
  3. Crewmates have to eliminate the impostors, for which they cast votes.
  4. The impostor has to sabotage the mission by secretly killing the crew members.
  5. In case crew members are not able to find the impostor till the end, the impostor wins.


A perfect virtual game for remote employees. Connect over voice on discord for a better experience.

Players Required : More than 4

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Scribble in office?

  1. Each player on their own. One of the player gets a word, which they are supposed to draw and explain.
  2. The other players can see the number of blanks the word has.
  3. They guess alphabets, and if the alphabet is present in the word, it’s place in the blanks gets filled.
  4. More the number of people guess the word, more points the drawer gets.
  5. Similarly, the quicker players guess the word, more points they get.

Head over to and play it with your collegues.

Two truths And A Lie

1. You know English.
2. Healthysure is India’s most loved employee benefits platform.
3. 100 > 99

Players Required : More than 2

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Two Truths And A Lie in office?

  1. Each player says three sentences. Two out of which are the truth, and one, like you guesses, a lie (a realistic lie)
  2. Remaining players try to figure out the lie, and the one to guess maximum number of correct answers wins the game.

Pro tip : To make the game more interestig, you can increase the number of truths.

Passing The Parcel

Hear your secretly talented collegues sing and dance.

Players Required : More than 4

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : No

How to play Passing The Parcel in office?

  1. There is one host, who randomly starts and stops the music.
  2. The players sit in an circular arrangement, and pass any item in circular order when the music is playing.
  3. As soon as the music stops, the player with the parcel in their hand gets out.
  4. This player can be made to sing a song/dance.
  5. Last person standing wins the game.

Bonus Game : Who Am I?

Who am I fun friday game from office

Yes, this game is inspired by The Office.

Players Required : More than 4

Time Limit : No time limit

Is Remote Friendly? : Yes

How to play Who Am I in office?

  • Each player writes name of person/place/animal or a thing on a sticky note.
  • Without showing the content, they paste this sticky note on one of the players.
  • Now everyone can see what is written over everyone’s notes, except their own.
  • Players have to guess what’s written over their note with the help of clues that other players give them.

The workplace is a place where we spend a significant portion of our lives. It’s important to make sure that we enjoy our time there and feel like it is a positive and beneficial experience. Spending time with your colleagues is an excellent way to break up the monotony of working alone. These activities can also be used as team-building exercises, which can help to improve communication and productivity among employees. No one wants to spend their day dreading work. It’s important to make sure that there is some fun and enjoyment mixed in with the daily grind! Enter fun games in office on Fridays. Why wait for Diwali to have fun in your office when you can make every Friday a fun Friday.

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