Employee meditating beside a laptop

A New Meaning of WFH: Wellness From Home

Most of us while focusing on working from home often forget about the other WFH – Wellness From Home, which is more important to have a healthy life. Going to an actual office forced us to maintain a schedule. To have clear timings for eating, sleeping and working. Though working from home is definitely a convenient option, it has blurred the lines between personal and professional life. It comes with it’s own set of challenges which take a toll on your physical and mental health. Some of challenges of work from home can be as follows –

  • Improper diet
  • Isolation
  • Lack of exercise
  • Mental burnout
  • Difficulty in maintaining work-life balance

Whether you’re working remotely, full time or few days per week, following our tips and making simple changes to your lifestyle can go a long way in combating some of these challenges. So here’s our guide to have a healthy work from home experience.

1. Eat Healthy & Stay Hydrated

While working from home we often follow an erratic eating schedule. It is important to maintain a proper diet by controlling what you eat and when you eat. To make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs, have a healthy balance of leafy green vegetables, legumes, eggs, beans and fruits in your diet. Avoid munching on chips and replace them with a few healthy alternatives.

Also, when it comes to drinking water don’t be lazy. It is recommended that you drink at least 6 to 8 cups of water daily. So before you start your work, fill up those bottles with water and make sure you finish them by the end of the day. Water keeps every system in the body functioning properly. A report by The Harvard Medical School Special Health notes that water has many important jobs like normalizing blood pressure, stabilizing the heartbeat and regulating body temperature. Staying sufficiently hydrated will keep you fresh through the day.

2. Stay Active

The importance of being active cannot be understated for those who want to feel their best and want to give their best at work. It is okay if you cannot go to the gym, pick up something you like and make it a habit. It will keep your body fit as well as keep your mind relaxed. Take out 30 minutes every day to go for a walk. Studies show that an average person should walk between 4500 to 7500 steps a day. You can also set apart 15 minutes every morning for meditation. Every time you get up, try to stretch different muscles of your body. Any stretches that target your hips especially are important since hips get tight from sitting at your computer all day. Make your own fitness regime and stick to it as much as you can. Click here to check out more ways to keep yourself active while working from home.

3. Communication Beats Isolation

Lack of human interaction can affect you in more ways than one. Working from home has left a large vacuum in this department. The feeling of isolation can only be beaten by having a proper support system. It can be your partner, sibling, parents, friends or colleagues, talking about your feelings can go a long way. Communication is key, especially if you feel isolated. Feeling connected to others wards off loneliness and stress.

4. Take a Mental Break

A recent poll by Gallup found that remote workers experience more burnout than the ones who go to office. Mental burnout can lead to – feeling fatigued, negative feeling towards your job, reduced efficiency of work and lack of energy.

Daily commutes to the office gave people time to decompress. But, work from home usually starts with you on the couch and ends with you going to bed, barely giving you any such time. Some of the ways you can overcome burnout are –

  • Block your calendar to take breaks
  • Make sure you sleep well and practice mindfulness
  • Mark the end of your day by going on a walk
  • Take a day off

5. Strike a Better Work-Life Balance

Another reason for burnout can be unhealthy work-life balance. Work stress can not only adversely affect your body but your mind as well. If you don’t set limits, work can take up major chunks of your personal time. If you are feeling burnt out consider the following strategies for a better work-life balance –

  • Manage your time properly and do not over schedule yourself.
  • Plan your day and have set defined limits to work and home life.
  • Quit accepting tasks out of guilt or a false sense of obligation and learn to say “No”
  • After ending your work day, detach and transition to home life.
  • If you are unable to detach from work and feel overworked, voice out your concerns to your superiors.
  • Regularly set aside time for activities that you enjoy, such as practicing yoga, gardening or reading.

While working is an important part of everyone’s daily lives, it should never come at the expense of one’s own health. You owe it to yourself and your family to maintain good health. At the end of the day, always remember you are a human and you cannot do your best work without taking care of your body.

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